Thursday, July 19, 2012

Talking Wrigley in Chattanooga

A while back, while sitting at a hotel bar, I found myself involved in a conversation with a middle-aged man from Chicago. He was in town working disaster recovery from the damage caused by a tornado a few weeks prior. We covered a lot of topics, but it was once we started talking about the Cubs that I decided I had to take some notes on the discussion. The following is a short list of the madness that made it into my Notepad session:
  • "Wrigley's great, if you get the right tickets."
  • Bleacher seats
  • Halter tops
  • Girls "dropping tops"
  • Drinking beers
  • Watching the minor leagues = more fun.
  • Advertisers will never leave the Cubs
  • Wrigley is always full even when the team sucks
  • Why do the players need to win? They make their money regardless
  • Winning more games won't make the owners more money

Friday, July 6, 2012

Trying Not To Be A Dick About It

"All his fans ever wanted in the first place was a regular goddamn Smashing Pumpkins record, and Oceania is Corgan trying not to be a dick about it for once."

That's Steven Hyden from Grantland on the new Smashing Pumpkins' cut. I haven't heard it yet, and to be honest, despite my love for the band and my recent revisiting of their early catalog, I hadn't truly intended to. Zeitgeist never gripped me, and I couldn't be bothered to pay attention to whatever Corgan has been up to since. But I think I will be listening to Oceania very soon, and hell, I might even enjoy it.

Read the rest of Hyden's take on Corgan (and what he can apparently learn from Rush) here.